Network and Data Center Design

Network and Data Center design

Network design and implementation
Designing a network, including data centers, cloud suppliers and the fabric in between, has many technical aspects but also aspects which concern what is really available, which alternatives are there, who are good and reliable suppliers and when is it too good to be true. Knowing the market, knowing who to call and what to ask for are key in running out a network. That is what we do.

Data Center Service design

Sourcing is much more than getting a good price. It is also about getting to the right specification of what you want, pushing back internally, looking for alternatives to solving the issue at hand. Having explored the alternatives, fully understanding what is needed in the long run, then it is time to go out a look for a supplier. Even then the devil is in the detail, the devil is in the contract and in understanding what a supplier can deliver versus what they promise. This in our view on sourcing.
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